
Open Source Society University

Knowledge and skills as commons

Projects ideas

Here, we are providing a list curated by the community of exercices and projects to practice and reinforce the skills we try to master.

Projects created by OSSU’s students for each course of our Data Science curriculum.

Linear Algebra

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Single Variable Calculus

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | slope-field | Slope-field generation written in Haskell | Mahdi Dibaiee |

Multivariable Calculus

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |


Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Probability and Statistics

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Introduction to Data Science

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Machine Learning

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Convex Optimization

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Big Data

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |


Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Natural Language Processing

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |

Deep Learning

Project Title | Description | Authors | Repository :– | :– | :–: | :– | | |